Who is Toulon Apartments?
Toulon Apartments MS, LLC was registered in Delaware in 2022. Tax records and deeds for the golf course property list the Owner’s address as 4706 18th Ave Brooklyn, NY; which is a storefront address for multiple LLC registrations, including Read Property Group LLC.

At the December annual meeting of Royal Oak Community Alliance,* the ROCA Chair reported having met with the new owner of the golf course and being shown a conceptual plan that reflected a redevelopment density of “600 units” of high density multi-family apartments mixed with single family.
When asked, the ROCA Chair identified the new owner as Aaron Klein. Aaron Klein is listed as a Property Manager at Read Property Group. The actual owner of the golf course appears to be the Read Property Group’s President, Robert Wolf.
Read Property Group (RPG) is a privately held real estate development company. As of 2013 it was 100% owned by Robert Wolf of New York City, who was “focused heavily on Multi Family properties”.[1]
RPG was a sponsor for the 2022 Multi Family Owners Summit which described them as “a real estate investment firm providing equity and joint venture capital for multi-family deals” and ” As President of RPG, Robert [Wolf] takes a leading role in all the company’s projects and investments. From complex rezoning and ground-up construction to repositioning of existing properties, Robert’s vision is the guiding force behind every transaction.” 2022 MFO National Summit

In 2013, in documentation regarding Jasmine Cay Apartments, Naples; RPG represented that its Florida residential holdings (by unit count) consisted of 66% at market price with the remainder subsidized by Low Income Housing Tax Credits.(LIHTC)[1]

The largest subsidized RPG holding in Florida (2013) was the 235 units at Villas of Capri, Naples. https://affordablehousingonline.com/housing-search/Florida/Naples/The-Villas-of-Capri-Apartments/10026352
[1]Read Property Group – Jasmine Cay Apartments Acquisition Naples FL (2013)
The actual location of RPG offices appear to be in Lakewood, NJ. Their website readprop.com requires an access code. We believe their phone number to be: 718-972-7878